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Few things you should do after you move in.

1) Register your new address to the ward office:

Everytime your address change, you should register your new address to your ward office, and they will write your new address on your resident card.

In order to know in which ward office you are supposed to register, check your new address.

For example if your address starts with :

福岡市博多区 ...

Fukuoka-shi Hakataku

You should go to the Hakata ward office.

福岡市西区 ...

Fukuoka-shi Nishi-ku

You should go to the Nishi ward office.


Fukuoka's ward offices addresses are written on the following website:

2) Change your address to the Post Office :

After move in a new place, I advise you to go the the Japan Post office to give them your new address.

During 1 year, all the postal mail that is sent to your past address will be automatically tranferred to your new address, which is very useful !

For that, you will have to fill in a paper (your previous and your current address), and you will also be ask to present an identification (passeport, resident card, driving license...).

3) Cancel your previous apartment's household goods insurance :

Do not forget to call your previous apartment household goods insurance and stop the contract. Depending on companies, if you stop the contract you have paid before it ends, you could get a percentage back.


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