Nishitetsu (local bus)
Which bus ?
After entering an itinerary in Google Map, from A to B, a selection of corresponding bus will appear with their numbers.
Once you've chosen your bus, click on it, and the complete itinerary of the bus you've selected will appear (with every bus stop).
How to take the bus ?
1- Enter by the back door

2- Swipe your card
(If you have a card)
(If you don't have a card)
2- Take a ticket
1- Enter by the back door
3- If you want to get off at the next stop, press the stop button
4- Check the amount corresponding to your ticket on the fare board near the driver, and prepare your coins.
5- Put the fare and ticket in the fare box before getting off the bus by the front door.
4- Swipe your card before getting off the bus by the front door.
3- If you want to get off at the next stop, press the stop button
The fare box does not dispense change.
You can change money inside the bus, near the fare box.
5,000 JPY bills are not accepted. Only 1,000 JPY may be changed into 500 yen, 100 yen, 50 yen or 10 JPY coin.